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Get a Defined Jawline With These Aesthetic Treatments

What do popular actors, actresses or models have in common? A tight, smooth and defined jawline—meaning they look picture perfect all the time. As you age, gravity inevitably takes its toll on your jawline. Loss of bony and deep soft tissue structural support, coupled with increasing laxity of retaining ligaments and decreasing skin elasticity, contribute to the formation of jowls and a saggy jawline. Some people may also have an asymmetrical or uneven jawline due to genetics. For many years, aesthetic treatments were focused on enhancing the lips or adding volume to the midface. However, there’s recently been a focus on the lower face, as having a defined jawline and prominent chin determines our face shape.

What does having a defined jawline entail? For men, it’s having a chiseled jawline that’s sharp enough to cut diamonds, and for ladies it’s having a well balanced V-shaped face. In short, having a sharp, defined jawline is the hallmark of good health and youthfulness. The great news is you no longer have to undergo painful jawline surgery popularized by Korean celebrities – and their love for getting that small, perfect V-line face—or endure the downtime and possible complications, to get the jawline of your dreams. These days, the trend in jawline contouring is to opt for non-surgical aesthetic treatments which we discuss below. 

 If You Have a Poorly Defined Jawline…

 Consider getting hyaluronic acid dermal fillers injected along the jawline. Some people genetically have a weaker jawline, while others lose volume and bony support with age. Think of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers acting as the frame of a tent. Injected along the jawline, it provides support and shape to the overlying tissues, disguising any irregularities caused by loose skin or sagging fat, for a more sculpted jawline and satisfying profile.

 If You Have a Weak Chin…

 A strong, prominent chin brings balance to a face. Having an asymmetrical, weak or receding chin may cause your other features to look disproportionate. Remedy this with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers injected into the chin to increase chin projection, reshape it and enhance the profile. Before getting fillers on your chin, the doctor will assess your facial features to ensure your chin is proportionate to your face and doesn’t end up looking overly pointy or elongated. You can opt for fillers on both your chin and jawline (discussed above) for a smooth and seamless transition between both zones.

If You Have Saggy Jowls or a Double Chin…

Starting to notice a double chin or jowls starting to form? There are many skin tightening treatments in the market, however our recommendation is to go with the FDA-cleared microfocused ultrasound with visualization (MFU-V). This treatment delivers focused ultrasound energy  precisely into the foundational layers of the skin to stimulate the production of new collagen. Thanks to the real-time visualization technology, doctors are also able to directly target specific layers under the skin for maximum benefits, while avoiding structures such as blood vessels and bone to minimize the risk of side-effects Over the course of two to three months, collagen production is boosted, tightening and lifting skin from within for a firmer, more defined jawline.

 Doctors may advise on a combination of treatments to achieve the perfect jawline, hence it’s best to seek the advice of a professional aesthetics doctor. Make an appointment at one of our trusted clinics now!

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